3 September 2019

introducing a better life

“A Better Life” is a pocket-sized booklet which runs through four short passages from John’s gospel. There are three simple questions on each passage, and a ‘food for thought’ question which tees up the next study.

At Dundonald Church, we’ve waved goodbye to our ‘Factory’ building that we’ve called home for the last 11 years, and are heading out into temporary venues in our local community, while a new building is put up on the old site. During our time out, we’re going to be working slowly through John’s Gospel – and discovering all about the better life that we can find in the better life of Jesus.

But this isn’t news to keep to ourselves.
We want everyone to have the opportunity to hear about this better life.
And so we’ve produced these little booklets, to help us all start a conversation with friends, neighbours, team-mates and colleagues, about the better life that is found in Jesus.

That’s all they are, really. A conversation-starter.
In that sense, they’re designed to be as straightforward as possible. They’re small, cheap to print, and only 10 pages long. You also don’t need any training in advance before you have a go (though you might like to read some suggestions on how to get started…).

And so we’re praying that this little booklet might lead to hundreds of people having conversations about the better life that is found in Jesus. It’s not the silver bullet for our evangelism by any means, but we’re prayerfully excited to see God at work as his word goes out!

If you want to know a bit more about the vision behind this resource, and others like it, head here.
